PCGeekBrain Development Apps

Mad Math 1.2.6
Lean in and enjoy this highly customizableandstylish math game. Score as many points as you can, and sharethosescores with your friends. And lets be clear, THERE ARE NO ADS.Game rules:1) Each game starts with 5 lives.2) Every question has a 5 second limit to answer it.3) Each question has 1 correct answer and 1 incorrect answer4) Every correct answer is 5 points.5) Every time the timer runs out or you get a question wrongyoulose a life.6) Leveling up replenishes lives.7) When you run out of lives the game ends.If you have any complaints, bugs or desired features pleasedoemail us at [email protected]. Wearealways there to listen.Enjoy, and game on.Music rights belong to playonloop.com.Sound effect rights belong to noiseforfun.com
Subway Fare Calculator 0.8
Features:Dynamic Calculations: See the results in real time as youenterin the data you need.Bonus Calculation: Automatically adds the 11% bonus the MTA givestotop-ups of over $5.50.The Icon for this app uses graphics Created by Coby Graphics 1fromNoun Project (https://thenounproject.com/).The Icons in the app are fromFontAwesome(http://fontawesome.io/)Thank you very much for sharing your great work with the world.
BPLocate 1.0
This is a small app that downloads the listofbranches from the Brooklyn Public Library and puts it inasearchable list.If you have any issues you can email me [email protected] fix it yourself athttps://github.com/PCGeekBrain/BPLocatePlease note that the app will store the data on the device andwillonly update over the network if it does not have data or youpressthe refresh button.Iconfromhttps://romannurik.github.io/AndroidAssetStudio/index.html